Tuesday, September 23, 2008


We've all been there: that moment in time where your motivation to do homework, go to school, get ready for school, or even to get out of bed is nowhere to be found. (This applies to work too.) This has been going on for a couple weeks for me and I've been getting sick of of procrastinating, being lazy, and not motivated. I wanted to change that. I wanted to turn over a new leaf and start out fresh before I dug myself a hole of unhappiness and frustration. My own choices to delay my education and prolong myself of knowledge were driving me crazy, but I was okay with that. And the fact that I was okay with that seemed to drive me up the wall!!! I began filling my precious time with the lame activities that were such a waste of time. The activities were degrading, non-important, and undesirable. I got sick of who I was becoming so I needed to find my motivation. My drive. My desire. My want to become the best that i can--and I did.
I found strength by being surrounded by good friends who had the same goals and aspriations that i did (to go to school, gradutate, and live life to its fullest).
I had to find the reasons why I was taking the classes I was and analyze me life. I had to figure out where I was going, what I was doing, and who I want to become. I planned out my life and set goals to achieve tomorrow, next month, one year from now, and a few years from now.
The most important thing I did, was I began to put God first in my life. No matter how many times i've tried to piece that puzzle together on my own, the piece has never fit. When he's involved, everything seems to be so perfectly set. I realized this when i attended institute at my university. Every time I go a feel happier, refreshed, and full of appreciation for other people and what the world has to offer.
I'm not an endurance person by any means of physical or mental labor. I am a sprinter. When I get to work and place my foot on the starting line and take off, there is nothing to distract me, slow me down, or slow my pace. The only thing I fear is my point of exhaustian. So right now in life my head is high, my eyes are focused, and I'm sprinting. Now I just need to learn how to moderate my life, speed, and time so I can edure to the end and complete my goals.
So no matter what trial or bump you can't seem to get over to become motiviated, when all else fails, just find your inner strength, gain strength from others' good examples, and find strength from God. He wants you to succeed. He knows your potential. It's high time you live up to it! :)